
Breakthough agreement in Portugal

After a vigorous discussion Europe’s regulators have agreed a policy framework for the introduction of Ultra Wide Band services.

Operators eye extra spectrum for multimedia services

Strength is returning to satellite industry with a number of industrial projects vying for the attention of Europe’s policymakers but can the complex legal and regulatory issues be resolved?

Member states are following our lead says UK

UK Minister Alun Michael has tried to reassure those UK businesses who fear they’re losing out because of the patchy implementation of spectrum liberalisation across Europe.

More UK spectrum up for grabs

The UK regulator, Ofcom, is marching ahead with its plans to auction spectrum that is currently lying fallow.

UWB: is a global recommendation possible?

The final meeting of an International Telecommunications Union Radio (ITU-R) group which addresses the sensitive issue of regulating Ultra Wide Band gets underway tomorrow but will it deliver anything concrete?

Are the stakes as high as €14B a year?

The enormous number of responses to the EC’s 2.5 GHz consultation shows how important this is to the industry. Most responses are in favour of technology neutrality but there are…

EU spectrum reform moves up a gear

European Commission proposals for regional harmonisation and liberalisation of spectrum management have been placed before the powers that be this month in a bid to raise political profile at an…