Spectrum Policy 101 Podcast

Listen to our beginner-friendly podcast for free.

| Richard Haas

Our original four-part podcast series is an approachable overview of spectrum management, what it is, why it matters and how it can bring about the greatest social benefits.

Spectrum Policy 101 is hosted by Tim Jenkins, a former BBC World Service business news presenter. Contributors include Professor Marc Raboy, author of Marconi: the man who networked the world, Peter Stuckmann from the European Commission and Marja Matinmikko-Blue from the University of Oulu.

All four episodes are free and embedded below. You can also listen to the podcast on YouTube here or on your podcast provider of choice here.

1. What is spectrum management

2. Key events which shaped spectrum policy

3. Successes and failures of spectrum liberalisation

4. Do 5G and 6G change spectrum policy?