
Spectrum costs in small countries

Our latest bespoke research project involved benchmarking award prices and annual spectrum fees in countries of less than 700,000 people.

| Martin Sims

This study examined over 70 individual licence awards made in the past ten years, the information coming partly from the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database and partly from original research.

Aspects considered by the study included:

  • The policy objectives of the award
  • Assignment method used
  • Bands awarded and lot sizes used
  • Whether the award was for new spectrum or a licence renewal
  • The use of award features such as
    • Spectrum caps
    • Set-asides for new entrants
  • Ownership of the MNOs

The final report enabled the analysis of the award and annual fees as USD/MHz/pop prices while recognising the limitations of direct comparisons due to the assignment methods used or specific characteristics of national markets.

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