
New PolicyTracker Spectrum Database update now available

The update charts the assignments which have taken place in the first quarter of 2024.

| Richard Haas

The latest quarterly database update has now been published. So far this year, 2611 MHz of spectrum has been assigned across six territories. This includes recent procedures in Afghanistan, Austria, Latvia, Réunion Island, South Korea and Vietnam.

The most popular bands in the first quarter of 2024 were the 3.3—3.8 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands, all assigned in two markets each. mmWave spectrum bands were assigned in two countries, with Austria assigning the 26 GHz band and South Korea re-assigning the 28 GHz band spectrum it had previously revoked from the country’s incumbent operators.

Afghanistan’s spectrum auction is unique. It was the first award to take place since the Taliban returned to power. It wasn’t the country’s first attempt to award the 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands. In 2021, they were auctioned by Aghanistan’s previous government, but most of the licences remained unsold, and the regulator only managed to sell one licence.

Our update also accounts for various acquisitions, including the recent merger of MasMovil and Orange in Spain. The merged entity recently announced its new name: “MasOrange”.

The PolicyTracker Spectrum Database tracks allocations, assignments and prices paid for spectrum. It is updated quarterly and is available in Google Sheets and as an Excel document.

Information from the Database is also accessible on our interactive web-based database and our recently launched Data Explorer function. All of these features are available as part of the Spectrum Research Service.

By | Richard Haas
Richard is a journalist and analyst at PolicyTracker. Apart from writing about spectrum policy news, his main responsibilities include maintaining the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database and the 5G Observatory website for the European Commission. Richard is fluent in English and German.
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