
Spot markets: a quantum leap in spectrum efficiency?

The technology is already here to establish an exchange where frequencies are bought by the minute says former FCC senior technical officer Michael Marcus. He argues that these can even…

Will vital services fall through the net?

Utility companies fear that the introduction of trading in the mobile bands could squeeze out those emergency services where a guaranteed connection is essential.

Outlook for 2006: 2.5-2.69 GHz

Billions of euros have been invested and all the biggest players are involved so 2.5-2.69 GHz is the biggest test yet for Europe’s liberalizers - a touchstone for technology neutrality.

Outlook for 2006: WAPECS

The theoretical concepts behind WAPECS are being exposed to real life problems

Outlook for 2006: broadcast spectrum

Allocating the digital dividend is becoming a battleground rather than a distant dream as RRC 06 approaches and the market begins to see the possibilities offered by pan-European mobile services.

UK regulator makes spectrum a priority

Ofcom has made releasing and liberalising spectrum one of its nine priorities for 2006 outlined in its Annual Plan. The first public meeting to discuss the Annual Plan is being…

The big issues for 2006

PolicyTracker predicts the year will be dominated by RRC-06; the decision on technology neutrality in 2.5 GHz and the review of the Communciations Framework Directive.

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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