The preparations for WRC-07 show how technological and market pressures are pushing towards greater flexibility in spectrum management, argues Martin Sims
Our top story this month is the outcome of the final meeting of the ITU study group which assessed whether WiMAX should be admitted into the IMT-2000 standard.
Finland now has an all digital TV system but even with some interim measures to smooth the transition 18,000 households were left without a signal
After a final meeting of ITU working party 8F the decision on admitting WiMAX to the IMT-2000 family goes to the Radiocommunication Assembly. A positive result seems extremely likely as…
What is being called the 100-year auction, perhaps the last chance to grab substantial amounts of US spectrum in the foreseeable future, is scheduled to start on January 16 2008.
WAPECS is a little behind schedule but several countries are already implementing technology and service neutral licences, with Germany taking the lead.
Michael Whittaker, the architect of Australia's liberalised spectrum management framework, warns that the self regulation proposed by Ofcom in 1.5GHz could allow companies to devalue their competitors' licences.
Legal changes which will allow the use of Ultra Wide Band devices in the UK come into effect on Monday 13 August.
As Europe starts to investigate other uses of vacant TV spectrum, US whitespace devices submitted by a consortium of IT giants have failed to live up to expectations in tests…
A market-based approach is the way of the future according to a new book by three of the architects of the UK approach to liberalisation. Here Martin Cave, Chris Doyle,…
Our top story this month is the European Commission's change of heart over mandating DVB-H as the EU's mobile TV technology.
Use of freed-up analogue TV frequencies should be determined not by market forces but by the political process says influential report by French senator.
The European Commission has published proposals to repeal the GSM Directive and allow the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands to be used by next generation wireless services.
Although InfoSoc Commissioner Viviane Reding has backed down from her threat to mandate DVB-H as the single European standard for mobile television, her continuing attempts to persuade member states to…
The European Commission today released a mobile TV Communication in which European Information Society Commissioner Viviane Reding appeared to back away from her earlier threat to mandate DVB-H as the…