PolicyTracker spectrum policy white papers and e-book
If you are following spectrum policy, then our white papers can help you! We track developments in the sector, from today's events to the important long-term trends.
Our free white papers and e-book are an essential guide to how technology and market shifts are shaping policy:
- E-book: Spectrum management and policy – a 24 page introduction to the subject
- Mobile competition in the 5G era Increasing competition in the mobile market has always been a regulatory goal, but can you get too much of a good thing? Is there a negative impact on network investment, and what role should spectrum play?
- Costing mobile coverage obligations: coverage obligations are an increasingly important part of spectrum auctions and national connectivity strategies, but what is the cost to the operators and is this sustainable?
- Spectrum auctions: the current policy debates: The growing importance of mobile coverage and the move to 5G means auctions are undergoing major re-hauls or being abandoned altogether. This white paper gives a detailed explanation through a series of national case studies.
Our white papers are part of our weekly Spectrum Briefing, a free services highlighting key upcoming issues. You can sign up for that here, or using the links above.