
A clear picture has yet to emerge

The broadcasting, wireless and mobile sectors are all keen to make use of the digital dividend but their plans are being frustrated by the difficulties of predicting which frequencies will…

2.5 GHz stalemate continues

A compromise proposal which would have allowed WiMAX and other services in a section of the 2.5-2.69 GHz band currently reserved for IMT-2000 technologies has failed to gain sufficient support.

Regulators look set to accept compromise on 2.5 GHz

With those countries firmly opposed to technology neutrality digging in their heels finding the middle ground seems the likely solution to the long running dispute over allocation of this 3G…

EU’s first spectrum trade is agreed

More than a year after the UK became the first EU member state to comprehensively introduce spectrum trading the first deal has been agreed and is now awaiting regulatory approval.

Spot markets: a quantum leap in spectrum efficiency?

The technology is already here to establish an exchange where frequencies are bought by the minute says former FCC senior technical officer Michael Marcus. He argues that these can even…