It has been called the lifeblood of the battlefield but in the future the military’s radio spectrum could be threatened by commercial terrestrial services. The need for military action is…
How achievable is European spectrum harmonisation? A group of experts are calling for more mandatory common bands while three member states face infringement proceedings for failing to implement the existing…
Think your mobile phone is a useful addition to the modern world? Well it won’t be long before it becomes an indispensable “remote control on life”, transforming the users' world…
For the first time, the European Commission has invoked the process which could lead to formal infringement proceedings against member states for failing to comply with an agreement relating to…
UK communications regulator Ofcom has adopted a light licensing approach to the spectrum bands to be used for fixed wireless systems (FWS), a move expected to fuel competition with fibre…
The printed issue of PolicyTracker is now available for download.
Ofcom has confirmed it has no immediate plans to apply a technology and service neutral approach to existing licences.
The first step towards an EU policy on the digital dividend points out the advantages of making common bands available for mobile services but warns this could require another international…
A new spectrum management policy document for Sweden is the stepping stone to an environment where all players can compete, but the removal of some of the restrictions imposed by…
The tendency in spectrum policy to link the licensed model with property rights and the unlicensed model with a commons may need a serious rethink, argues a new paper by…
A handful of European countries are inching towards a more flexible approach to spectrum management. This is a very slow process and consequently begs a fundamental question; do Europe’s regulators…
A consultants’ study says all EU member states should be required to implement harmonised licence-free bands. They also say access to this type of spectrum needs to be speeded up…
Germany’s Federal Network Agency is to auction the coveted 3400-3600 MHz band for the provision Broadband Wireless Access, a move it hopes will stimulate broadband competition and innovation.
Spectrum management reform has been placed firmly on the European policy agenda, but if interpretation and implementation challenges are not speedily ironed out, a would-be regulatory success story may end…
A report, due to be completed today and seen as an important indication of political reaction to the European Commission’s proposals for spectrum liberalisation, will not now be finished until…