More about "L-Band"
June 2008 printed issue available for download
Jun 03, 2008
by Website author

This month we reflect on the significance of Europe's first major spectrum auctions this year: 2.6GHz in Sweden and L-band in the UK. Read more...

Manufacturers enter European spectrum market
May 30, 2008
by Website author

The two major auctions in Sweden and the UK this month have seen Intel and Qualcomm buy spectrum in order to stimulate the development of their products. Is this the start of a new trend? Read more...

Qualcomm buys the whole of L-Band in the UK
May 16, 2008
by Website author

The US-based wireless technology company, Qualcomm, has bought all 17 lots in the UK’s 1452-1492 MHz auction for a total of £8,334,000 (10.7 million euros). The auction took five days and ended after 32 rounds. Read more...

Opinion: one step forward and two steps back – the UK L-band auction
Aug 14, 2007
by Website author

Michael Whittaker, the architect of Australia's liberalised spectrum management framework, warns that the self regulation proposed by Ofcom in 1.5GHz could allow companies to devalue their competitors' licences. Read more...

DVB-H – which regulatory approach is working best?
Mar 08, 2007
by Website author

Italy is the first European country to get a commercial DVB-H network, with Germany, Italy and Spain soon to follow. What can regulators learn from the speed of developments in these countries? Read more...

Industry concerned about falling behind in mobile TV race
Nov 29, 2006
by Website author

There are fears that a lack of suitable spectrum will delay the rollout of DVB-H and Ofcom is coming under increasing pressure to specify when a key band – Channel 36 – is likely to be released. Read more...

Spectrum usage rights debate inches forward
Sep 28, 2006
by Website author

UK communications regulator Ofcom is planning to use one of its upcoming auctions to trial the introduction of Spectrum Usage Rights (SURs). Read more...

Rumbles of discontent as new occupants moved into L-band
Jun 02, 2006
by Website author

Mobile TV is transforming spectrum planning in Europe as regulators seek to open up L-band, currently harmonised for terrestrial and satellite DAB. Read more...