More about "United Kingdom"
United Kingdom
Jul 12, 2024
by Richard Haas

Having recently delayed its planned 26 GHz and 40 GHz auction, UK regulator Ofcom remains focused on private spectrum access and developing a "hybrid sharing" solution for the upper 6 GHz band. Read more...

Apr 18, 2024
by Dugie Standeford

Vodafone calls itself the largest pan-European and African telecoms company, with 323 million mobile customers according to its FY23 annual report. It operates mobile and fixed networks in 17 countries, with stakes in another five countries through joint ventures and associates. It also partners with 46 countries outside its footprint,… Read more...

Apr 18, 2024
by Dugie Standeford

Telefónica is a diversified telecommunications group operating mainly in Europe and Latin America. It provides extensive 4G coverage and continues to build out its 5G and 5G standalone networks. It had 298.6 million mobile customers at the end of 2023. Read more...

Unlicensed 6 GHz update: Africa, Europe and the Middle East
Mar 25, 2024
by Dianne Northfield

Nations across Africa continue to implement unlicensed 6 GHz policies that are largely focused on the lower portion of the band (5925—6425 MHz) in line with the African Telecommunication Union’s (ATU) recommended use of this range. In line with CEPT and European Commission harmonisation decisions, most European nations have opened… Read more...

26 and 28 GHz benchmark: recent awards
Aug 24, 2023
by Dianne Northfield

Thirty nations have assigned 26 GHz or 28 GHz spectrum or both, with ten of these nations planning further assignments. The majority of these assignments are in Asia (40%) and Europe (35%), although nations in all regions of the world are now looking to award spectrum in these high-bands. Read more...

Defence spectrum and the sharing opportunity
Jun 08, 2023
by Richard Handford

Defence ministries around the world control a significant amount of spectrum. Thanks to advances in spectrum sharing, there is an opportunity to share some of these frequencies with commercial users, particularly from the mobile industry. But are defence users willing allies? Read more...

Countries overview 2023
Jun 07, 2023
by Dianne Northfield

PolicyTracker’s 2023 country profiles cover Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, the UK and the US. In this overview we analyse their spectrum release plans; approach to 6 GHz; policy on private networks; and plans for 6G. Read more...

United Kingdom 2023
May 24, 2023
by Richard Haas

Ofcom continues to improve its local licensing regimes and working towards a mmWave auction, while also considering new policy objectives put forth in the recently announced UK Wireless Infrastructure Strategy. Read more...

Starlink 2023
May 23, 2023
by Dianne Northfield

Now present in 54 countries, Starlink is a high-speed, low-latency broadband network using NGSO LEOs to provide broadband connectivity globally. Starlink satellites are using spectrum resources in the Ka- Ku- and V-bands. Starlink also has plans to use E-Band spectrum for communications between satellites and gateways and V2 Mini satellites.… Read more...

Kuiper 2023
May 23, 2023
by Dianne Northfield

Amazon’s Project Kuiper’s first-generation LEO constellation will use frequencies in the Ka-band to provide fixed and mobile satellite services (MSS and FSS). Amazon is also seeking permission from US regulator the FCC to use V- and Ku-band spectrum. In February 2023, Amazon received final approval from the FCC for its… Read more...