
The 26 and 28 GHz Benchmark has been updated

The revised Benchmark is based on our research into planned and actual assignments in these two key mmWave bands over the past 18 months. This is compiled into a database covering 66 countries which you can use to search and make comparisons.

| PolicyTracker

Our written Research Notes analyse this data and highlight trends:

  • Overall international progress towards assigning the bands has been steady with Europe taking the lead, as explained in our Global and Regional overview.
  • 26 and 28 GHz are unusual for the range of policy approaches used compared to the sub-3 GHz mobile bands. Regional and local licences are common; auctions are less frequently used; and coverage or deployment obligations are more unusual. This is analysed in this Research Note and illustrated in this graphic.
  • Details of the awards made in the past 18 months are given here
  • Planned assignments are explained in this Research Note.

The 26 and 28 GHz database is shown below and the full Benchmark is available here.

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