
Private networks benchmark updated

In April 2022, PolicyTracker published a new benchmark that summarised how spectrum was starting to be used for private networks. We have now updated that benchmark to reflect all that has happened since then.

| Jonathan Watson

We have found that 23 countries have assigned spectrum for private local or shared use, including isolated cases of mobile network operator leasing mandates. Nine of these countries are planning to set aside more spectrum for local use.

It seems to be countries in Europe who are leading the way, with nations in the region accounting for 55 per cent of globally assigned and planned spectrum for use by private networks.

The most popular bands for private networks are 3.3—3.8 GHz and 26 GHz. Where spectrum has been assigned for private networks, 44 per cent of it is in these bands. This is divided more or less equally between the two bands. We also found that interest in the 26 GHz band is increasing.

When 28 GHz is added to the mix, the three bands together account for 60 per cent of assignments.

All the updated Research Notes, maps and data are available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers here.


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