
New Dossier available on Open RAN

One of the clear trends in the telecoms industry at the moment is operators' increasing interest in the use of Open RAN approaches to network buildout. The idea is to separate hardware and software components of Radio Access Networks and to standardise the interfaces in a network's architecture. This approach has many benefits for operators. Probably the most important rationale is its potential reduction in costs for operators. Regulators worried…
| Toby Youell
One of the clear trends in the telecoms industry at the moment is operators' increasing interest in the use of Open RAN approaches to network buildout. The idea is to separate hardware and software components of Radio Access Networks and to standardise the interfaces in a network's architecture. This approach has many benefits for operators. Probably the most important rationale is its potential reduction in costs for operators. Regulators worried about the influence of Chinese vendors also see it as an opportunity to rebuild networks using only components from "trusted" companies. Despite all these benefits, Open RAN cannot solve one of the most pressing problems for operators: how to get spectrum without paying too much for it. The new Dossier comprises four Research Notes:   The dossier is available here to Spectrum Research Service subscribers.


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