
All operator profiles now published

We've also published an updated overview for 2024, summarising the key trends affecting most of the operators we have studied.

| Jonathan Watson

As you would expect, all the operators we studied are focused on 5G deployments. All of them have now deployed 5G and most are actively expanding their 5G networks. Many of them are looking into 5G standalone as the next step, and/or getting involved in 6G research.

AI is a hot topic for some operators (particularly Japan’s SoftBank), while Open RAN is a major focus for others (Deutsche Telekom’s first Open RAN antennas have now gone live commercially).

While mobile network operators are of course primarily concerned with what happens down here on Earth, there are indications of a greater interest in space communications. With satellite featuring heavily on the WRC-27 agenda, this interest is likely to intensify in the coming years. China Mobile, Vodafone and MTN are just three of the operators getting involved with satellites.

The operators overview is now available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers, along with updated profiles of the following companies:

These and all the other operator profiles, and the overview, are available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers here.

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