Spectrum Policy Podcast

Our ongoing podcast series uncovers the policy debates behind the news as well as providing 101s for those new to the subject.

| Richard Haas

The PolicyTracker Spectrum Policy Podcast highlights the policy implications of new and long-term developments in a way that will be understood by the general listener as well as the experts.

Our interviewees range from PolicyTracker staff to experts from the fields of engineering, economics, academia and policy-making and like the rest of our journalism and analysis, we take an impartial approach.

It is an open-access service – please listen below or subscribe using all the major podcast platforms.

Are we reaching the ‘End of Telecoms History’? (feat. William Webb)

William Webb speaks to journalist Richard Haas about his latest book, which predicts a major turning point for the telecoms industry. We discuss the implications of this new reality for mobile network operators and regulators alike.

WRC-23 Special – How is the ITU defining 6G? (feat. Dean Bubley)

Just ahead of the World Radiocommunication Conference, the ITU approved its IMT-2030 framework. IMT-2030, more commonly known as 6G. Using this document as a guide, we speak to outspoken consultant Dean Bubley about 6G and what it may become.

WRC-23 Special – What are the key transport-related decisions?

In the third episode of our special series on the World Radio Conference, Access Partnership’s Senior Engineering Manager Tural Aliyev explains what impact some of the key transport-related WRC-23 decisions will have on the transport industry.

Prof. William Webb on his new book “Emperor Ofcom’s New Clothes

In this episode of our podcast, Professor William Webb discusses his new book with PolicyTracker journalist Richard Haas and explains why it is so critical of the free market spectrum policy policies.

WRC-23 Special – How will the ITU deal with the growth of the satellite industry?

For the coming weeks, PolicyTracker will cover key issues of the World Radiocommunication Conference. The second episode of this WRC-23 special discusses issues related to satellite agenda items. In this episode, we speak to ITU-R vice chair Florence Magnier on some of the major satellite agenda items that will be discussed at the conference.

Is the 7-24 GHz range the new spectrum battlefield?

The mobile industry’s interest towards various bands in the 7-24 GHz range is growing. How will regulators decide who needs the spectrum the most, and who can derive the most benefit from these bands? In this episode, we speak to Richard Marsden, senior Managing Director at NERA Economic Consulting in New York about this conundrum.

LiFi – is the industry ready to see the light?

In this episode, PolicyTracker’s Mirva Villa speaks with Professor Harald Haas, who is considered to be one of the LiFi technology’s pioneers. He explains how the technology works and where the industry is headed.

Can WiFi and mobile share the 6 GHz band? (feat. Ofcom)

In this episode, Ofcom’s director of spectrum policy and analysis Cristina Data speaks to PolicyTracker about its proposed “hybrid sharing” solution that would allow both technologies to co-exist in the 6 GHz band.

Why do we need international radio communications agreements?

Martin Sims, Managing Director of PolicyTracker, asks Mohammed A. El-Moghazi, Director of International Policies at the National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) to explain how WRC-23 works and why we need the ITU. 

How can spectrum policy address the climate crisis?

The IT sector is responsible for around 2% of global carbon emissions. PolicyTracker’s Managing Director Martin Sims speaks to journalist Laura Sear about what spectrum regulators are doing to address the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Satellite direct-to-device – What is it and what implications does it have for spectrum policymakers?

PolicyTracker’s Richard Haas speaks to veteran satellite consultant Tim Farrar about this new trend and considers the spectrum policy implications of re-using terrestrial mobile bands for satellite use, a controversial strategy being considered by various start-ups.

Wholesale Mobile Networks – A dying model?

Single wholesale networks (SWNs) once seemed like a great way to improve mobile coverage but regulators seem to be stepping back. We ask whether this approach has a future in the 5G era.

101: Do 5G and 6G change spectrum policy?

101: Successes and failures of spectrum liberalisation

101: Key events which shaped spectrum policy

101: What is spectrum management
